The MassCUE Board of Directors are served by several standing committees. These committees act in an advisory capacity to review specific programs, projects, or issues and make recommendations to the Board. Each committee generally meets monthly. All committees are served by volunteers from the MassCUE member community. Most committees have monthly online meetings.
Awards & Recognition Committee
The Awards Committee oversees awards and recognitions handed out by the Board. Members review and make recommendations to the Board for recipient(s) under the guidance of the committee chair. The committee recommends candidates for the Pathfinder Award and Administrator’s Technology Innovator Award.
Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee
The Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee is responsible for reviewing MassCUE policies and recommend revisions; record policies as the Board votes them, and prepare bylaw change proposals for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting prior to voting.
Communications Committee
The MassCUE Communications Committee is responsible for all forms of communications, traditional and digital, to ensure MassCUE informs its stakeholders and members with clarity, timeliness, and relevance.
Elections Committee
The MassCUE Elections Committee oversees the entire election process, including nominations, vetting nominees, running the election and reporting results. The MassCUE Elections Committee also collaborates with the Board on seeking appointments to the Board.
Finance Committee
The MassCUE Finance Committee provides financial oversight for the organization in the areas of budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.
Grants Committee
The Grants Committee promotes and administers initiative grants and scholarships to members. The Grants Committee administers Event Sponsorship requests from members.
Influence and Advocacy Committee
The MassCUE Influence & Advocacy Committee educates and collaborates with policy makers to achieve funding and legislation to support the appropriate use of technology in teaching, learning and administration. The committee supports MassCUE members individually and collectively to influence local/state/national legislators.
Professional Development Committee
The MassCUE Professional Development Committee supports the strategic vision and mission MassCUE has set forth for educators with a passion for technology in education. The work of this committee enriches the EdTech community of Massachusetts by providing a variety of professional and personal development opportunities year-round.
Special Interest Groups
MassCUE supports the network of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The objective of each SIG is to transform instructional or operational practices at the school or district level by sharing, collaborating and providing best practice educational opportunities to teachers.