Special Interest Groups Committee
September 13, 2019
Ex-officio members: President, President-Elect, Executive Director
Chairperson will serve for one year. Coordinator will be appointed or reappointed at the May Board Meeting.
Duties of the Coordinator:
- Communicate and collaborate with a designated member of Staff to arrange and conduct business on-line as needed.
- Prepare at least six reports to the Board and post them in the Board Meetings folder at least one week prior to the Board meeting.
- Collaborate with the web site coordinator to keep committee related information accurate, current and in accordance with these Procedures.
- Collaborate with the Executive Director, Social Media Ambassador and Communications Committee Chair(s) to share committee related news.
- Prepare and present the coordinator’s Annual Report at the General Meeting.
Duties of the StaffMembers:
Collaborate monthly with the SIG Coordinator to fulfill the SIG Coordinator Procedures.
Approval Process for Edited Procedures
- Chairperson(s) of each committee or Coordinators will regularly review the Charge and Procedures to ensure they reflect what the position entails. Use strikethrough for deletions and colored text for additions so that BPP Committee and the Board knows what has been changed.
- Chairperson(s) of each committeeor Coordinators will submit recommended changes to the Charge and Procedures to the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee.
- Collaborate with BPP Committee regarding any further suggestions.
- The BPP Committee Chair will present the Recommended changes to the Board for a vote.
Charge: Develop and support the network of Special Interest Groups and tocommunicate and coordinate with SIG Leaders.
Collaborate with SIG Leaders
- Send reminders for meeting write-ups for the Newsletter and Webpage.
- Send reminders to send agendas and attendance sheets and post the documents in the Board shared folder.
- Communicate the guidelines for SIG meetings – SIG Leaders Handbook.
Develop New SIGs
Collaborate with Staff to promote the creation of new SIGs
- monthly newsletter
- OnCue
- Fall Conference
- other approved venues.
Promote SIG meetings to MassCUE members
- Collaborate with the Communications and Marketing Assistant to keep the web page current.
- Collaborate with the Executive Director to post SIG meeting dates to the monthly newsletter
- Encourage SIG Leaders to write stories and submit them to the Communications Committee Chair for OnCue
- Promote SIGs at the Fall Conference (handouts, poster, etc.) and other approved venues.
Inactive SIGS
A SIG that has not held at least 4 meetings a year as outlined in the SIG Leaders Handbook during a school year will be notified that the SIG is inactive and will no longer be promoted. SIG Leader benefits will not be applied.
Other Category: (as needed)
Annotated Timeline: (date, action, responsibility)
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