MassCUE Announces New Executive Director — Savvy Demers
The Board of Directors of MassCUE is thrilled to announce the appointment of Savvy Demers as its next Executive Director. She comes to MassCUE as an educator – currently a Physics Teacher at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School in the Boston Public Schools. She has been an active participant in MassCUE learning opportunities and networking and has spearheaded access to educational technology tools and learning for her students throughout the past decade. She begins her tenure on July 15, 2022.
“We are extremely impressed with her energy, new ideas, considerable understanding of digital learning, and commitment to MassCUE,” states Chris Gosselin, MassCUE Board Chair. “We welcome Savvy’s enthusiasm, commitment to our mission, and interest as a life-long learner. She has just the right blend of leadership skills, relevance, heart, and field knowledge needed to lead MassCUE as it continues to expand capacity and make a difference for educators statewide. We are lucky to have found her.”
A native of Maine, Savvy has taught in several Massachusetts high schools for the past decade and has engaged in educational technology approaches widely. Her experience includes aligning curricula to state standards through the use of Google Suite for Education; leading professional development for staff on the newest technology tools; and implementing programs for students such as Physics Education Technology simulations for 8th graders and a project-based physics curriculum for physics students. She secured grant funding to purchase laptops and state-of-the-art 3D printers for a high school serving predominantly Black and brown students. She also worked with the Museum of Science to use technology tools to align their programming to Massachusetts education standards.
In addition to the use of technology to advance teaching and learning, a main focus for Savvy has been equity and inclusion.
“I am ecstatic to join MassCUE on a journey towards a more equitable future. My experiences in a variety of K12 environments have taught me that equity is essential to success in education: the future of MassCUE’s success is no exception. As Executive Director, it is my goal to ensure that our programming is accessible to all educators across Massachusetts. I look forward to working with our members and partners on our new campaign; MassCUE for ALL!”, says Demers.
As a part of STEP UP, an organization dedicated to inspiring women to enter the field of physics, she worked on racial justice issues in physics education research and served as the vice chair of the American Association of Physics Teachers committee on diversity in 2020.
The MassCUE Board looks forward to Savvy’s enthusiasm to expand MassCUE’s influence and impact in districts that are currently underserved and are often those most in need of what MassCUE has to offer.
About MassCUE
MassCUE, an affiliate of the International Society of Technology Education (ISTE), is the Commonwealth’s leading organization for educators with a passion for digital teaching and learning. Having served educators in Massachusetts for over three decades, MassCUE provides rich professional development, networking, and learning opportunities for all educators statewide, ranging from classroom teachers, school-based administrators, technology and digital learning directors, and superintendents.
Mr. Chris Gosselin, President
MassCUE Board of Directors
Email: cgosselin@masscue.org