Pre-K to 8 Computer Science
The purpose of the Pre-K to Grade 8 Computer Science Education is to expand partnerships and collaboration opportunities for teachers and administrators in the curriculum areas of Computer Science. Our SIG will provides computer science grade level teacher support and ideas for the classroom for topics such as computational thinking, computer systems, block programming, physical computing using robotics, Makey-Makey, and Micro:Bits. We will focus on grade level differentiation to maximize student engagement while integrating computer science in all core subject areas.
- Sharing & Experiencing Hands-On Learning● Partnership Opportunities with CSTA ● Awareness of Professional Development Opportunities ● Lesson & Resource Sharing
SIG Leader: Beth Dichter
About MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) represent a growing network of connected educators, serving every grade level and subject area. Our objective is to transform education by sharing, collaborating and providing professional growth opportunities that affect best practices.
We encourage new SIGs to consider focusing on using 21st Century tools to promote critical thinking and globalization. No matter the type of SIG, the focus should be to develop pedagogy that integrates technology, improving teaching and learning. MassCUE SIGs provide the opportunity for educators to achieve this goal throughout our organization and state.
View a complete list of MassCUE SIGs and learn more about the MassCUE SIG Coordinator.
Meeting and Events Schedule:
September 17 4:30-5:30pm
Topic: Bring your CS Online — Focus on Bring your best practices
Start talking about what is happening this year for the SIG.
How to sign up on the website?
Survey the group on what themes/ topics would you like to see happen during a CSTA meeting —
October 24
We are attending the CSTA Regional virtual conference
Topic: iRoot or
Facilitator: Tiffany Davis
November 19 - 4:30-5:30pm (book club 5:30 – 6:00)
Topic: Meet the Author Night Computer Science in K-12 – Presenter Shuchi Grover
Facilitator: Sarah Dunton
- Start Unapologetically Dope Book Group
- Read chapters XX – XX by December meeting
- If you have a CSTA member ID then you can register to win a copy of the book.
- (Membership is free. Sign Up Now!
December 10 4:30-5:30pm (book club 5:30 – 6:00)
Topic: Annual CS Bash & Book Club
Facilitator, Annual CS Bash
Facilitator, Book Club: Sarah Dunton
- Unapologetically Dope Book Group (30 minute discussion at meeting)
- Read chapters/pages XX – XX by January meeting
Poss Swag– Tshirt raffle
January 14 4:30 – 5:30pm (book club 5:30 – 6:00)
Topic: Equity in CS or Girls Who Code & Book Club
- Unapologetically Dope Book Group (30 minute discussion at meeting)
- Read chapters/pages XX – XX by February meeting