This spring we will elect three (3) officers to the MassCUE Board. Below you will find this year’s candidates. Please take a few minutes to read through their information. The voting window will open on April 8th and close on April 15th. A link for the ballot will be sent out to our membership at that time. Your membership must be valid before April 1, 2018 in order to be eligible to vote. You may log in to your membership profile to make sure your membership is current.
President Elect – Select 1
Eileen Belastock
I am an educational leader who is fueled by the belief that learning anytime anywhere is critical for both our students and educators. In my experiences as a district administrator, a building administrator, and a high school math teacher, I have been instrumental in providing students with equitable learning environments through multiple 1:1 programs and online educational environments. Throughout my career in both the corporate and educational environments, I have encouraged and supported both adult and student learners to challenge themselves to find their passions, be lifelong learners and be contributing citizens in the 21st global environment. I believe in supporting and highlighting educators and administrators as they work to ensure digital equity, student safety and personalized learning experience for all students.
Secretary – Select 1
Kim Keith
I am a library media specialist in the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District. I work at the M. E. Small Elementary School in West Yarmouth, which houses PreK-3. I am in my sixth year and previously was a library assistant in the Barnstable School system for twenty years. I have an undergraduate degree from Westfield State University and a Masters in Library Science from the University of Rhode Island. I am on the board of MassCUE and chair both the Awards and Elections committees.
Craig Juelis
As an administrator, I believe it is my role to assist teachers in their development to not only learn, but to continuously learn about how technology can impact their instruction, collaboration, and analysis. In doing this, students will be able to benefit and improve their own understanding and growth. I must be able to serve as a model for my staff and students in my own development, while at the same time providing them with the support and tools for their own improvement. Over the past two years in my roles with MassCUE, I continue to believe that organizations such as this offer all school personnel a chance to explore, learn, and advanced themselves to become proficient users.
Treasurer – Select 1
Jacqueline Prester
Serving as the Treasurer of MassCUE has been an honor and an amazing professional opportunity to blend my love for education, business, and technology into a single role. I’m seeking re-election so I may continue making positive financial strides for MassCUE. In my time as Treasurer, we’ve reassessed our short- and long-term financial goals, made smart investments to grow our assets, and increased member benefits. In the last fiscal year, MassCUE reached $100,000 in total grants awarded and recorded notable gains on our newly established long-term investments! Going forward, I’d continue working with our board to further these missions. Outside of MassCUE, I am a thirteenth-year business teacher at Mansfield High School with “real world” experience as a career-changer from the financial software industry. I hold a BS BA in Accounting and Computer Information Systems, an MBA in Marketing, and an MEd in Instructional Technology. Thank you for your consideration.