Kick It Up A Notch! Exploring SAMR in the Classroom
Participants will explore the SAMR model to transform their classroom following the 4Cs of Learning and Innovation. Various Google Apps, Chrome Extensions and other online tools will be used in this course for teachers to gain the student perspective, and determine
the best tools for their own classroom. We will collaborate using your existing class lessons and activities to see how they can be boosted using technology. The end result will be integrated lessons & activities for your classroom.
Session 1: Getting Started
Goals: Course overview and introductions. Participants will be provided with an overview of
Google Classroom, how its features will be used for the course, and collaborate on the challenges
teachers encounter integrating technology in their classroom. We will also cover the
importance of Learning and Innovation skills for our students, and start thinking about the
‘HOW” instead of the just the “WHAT” to kick it up a notch in our classrooms.
- Introductions
- Course Navigation & Resources
- Challenges of Technology Integration
The 4Cs: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity
Session 2: Tools of Engagement
Goals: Learn the stages of technology integration according to the SAMR model and identify
uses/tools of each stage for use in your classroom. We will be exploring Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s
Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) model to assess our current
practice and shift to our focus from tools to student engagement.
- SAMR Model for Technology Integration
- Hands on practice with various tools to identify SAMR level
- Explore ways to extend learning beyond the walls of the classroom
- Use a digital menu to synthesize learning through a creation of your choice
Session 3: Flip A Lesson
Goals: Flip an existing class lesson by creating a screencast and online quiz to check student
understanding. Develop classroom activities to complement the lesson using the results of your
online quiz.
- Why Flip?
- Screen casting tools
- Integrating screen casts into online assessments
- Develop student-centered activities for your flipped lesson using the 4C’s as your guide
- Collect data to check for understanding using digital tools
Session 4: Transform A Lesson
Goals: Create or modify a lesson to provide students with opportunities to think critically
through collaboration and creativity, and communicate their knowledge with others. We will use
the various tools from the course to for integrated lesson development and share our
newly integrated lesson & experiences in the course.
- Evaluate an existing activity or lesson using a free online resource
- Modify your lesson to integrate at least one technology component*
- Create a reflective video about your new lesson & course experience using free online tools.
*Participants seeking graduate credit will be required to include all technology components learned throughout the course in their transformed lesson in Session 4. This will include, but is not limited to:
- Flip Lesson Video
- Formative Assessment
- At least one student-centered activity based on choice of 4Cs