Friday, March 10, 2017
Thanks to all who attended our conference. Please take five minute to fill out a short evaluation so we can get your valuable feedback. The Certificate of Attendance is attached to the end of the evaluation.
Leveraging Technology to Empower the Whole Child
MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators) and MASCD (Massachusetts Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) have joined forces to bring together classroom and educational leaders for a one-day event of powerful presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, and informal gatherings to address the critical issues of education. Both organizations believe that each child, in each school, in each of our communities deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Thus, this year we will focus on how leaders can leverage technology to reach the whole child.
College of the Holy Cross 1 College Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01610
Call for Proposals
MassCUE/MASCD Spring Leadership Conference 2017 Call for Proposals is now closed! We thank all the educators who applied to present at our spring leadership conference, Leveraging Technology to Empower the Whole Child.
Starr Sackstein
Starr Sackstein is a nationally board certified teacher who has taught in the NYC public school system for 15 years. Sackstein has written books about assessment reform and student empowerment as well as presenting a TEDx talk about her journey to give up grades.
Starr’s Presentation:
Empower Students by Engaging them in the Assessment Process
Every child has the right to engage in their learning starting from their mistakes straight through to their successes. We must give students the language they need to adequately co-construct and design learning opportunities and then express their own progress and growth in a meaningful way. Students certainly don’t need grades to communicate what they know and can do, they just need the opportunity to share in their own words in the language of the standards to express strengths and challenges.
Suzy Brooks
Suzy Brooks is now the Director of Instructional Technology for Mashpee Public Schools after 10 years as an elementary teacher. She provides professional development and hands-on workshops for educators at local, regional and national venues. Her work in blended learning, student engagement, and social media has been featured by EdWeek, NBC News’ Education Nation, Instructor Magazine, Intel, ASCD, and the NEA. Currently, Suzy is the President-Elect for the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD and is a 2011 MassCUE Pathfinder.
Suzy’s Presentation:
Cultivating a Calling: Realistic Reflections: Teaching and leadership require constant self-reflection and adjustments to practice in order to achieve true growth. An educator’s ability to reach all students is dependent on the ability to look in the mirror and consider ways to improve what we see. What is your realistic reflection showing you? How can you use that knowledge to bring the Whole Child to new heights?
Presenters and Schedule
Workshop schedule is posted on Visit the site to see our highly engaging line-up of workshops.
March 10, 2017
7:30 am- Registration opens (and light breakfast served)
8:30 am – Morning Keynote
9:45 am to 10:30 am – Concurrent Session #1
10:40 am to 11:25 am – Concurrent Session #2
11:35 am – Visit with Vendor sponsors
12:00 pm – Lunch Provided
12:45 pm – Afternoon Keynote
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Concurrent Session #3
2:40 pm to 3:25 pm – Concurrent Session #4
3:30 pm to 4:00 pm -Visit with vendor sponsors
Conference Workshops posted on
Cost: | ||
Early Bird | extended to March 3, 2017 | $165.00-districts that send 5 or more educators will receive a 10% discount that is applied to the Purchase Order |
Regular | after March 3, 2017 | $195.00 |
Vendor Opportunities
We are looking for five (5) sponsors and two (2) keynote sponsors (morning and afternoon keynotes) for our conference on March 10, 2017. Sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis.
$3,000 Sponsorship (Limit of 5 Spaces)* (one spot left!) • Banquet table for materials • Two complimentary registrations • Recognition before the morning keynote • Logo on Leadership Conference webpage 1 month prior and up to event
$3,500 Keynote Sponsorship (Limit to 2-one for morning and one for afternoon)*-SOLD OUT! • Larger banquet table in prominent area for materials • Three complimentary registrations • Advertisement on web based app • 2 minute time slot to address the participants before the morning or afternoon keynote • Logo on Leadership Conference webpage 6 weeks prior and up to event
*We have built into our morning and afternoon schedule an additional block of time with no sessions in order to encourage attendees to visit with our sponsors.
Expected Demographics The conference is made up of a cross section of education professionals from across the Commonwealth. There is a small population that attends from surrounding states. The attendance will close at 250 maximum. Expected attendees include Administration (Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Dean of Students, Principals and Technology Directors), Educators (Integration Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Content Coordinators, etc.) and IT Directors. See the demographics at Information at a Glance.
Interested? Please contact Shelley Chamberlain, Executive Director of MassCUE, by January 5, 2017.

Friday, March 10, 2017 Thanks to all who attended our conference. Please take five minute to fill out a short evaluation so we can get your valuable feedback. The Certificate of Attendance is attached to the end of the evaluation. #MALeads17 MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators) and MASCD (Massachusetts Association for Supervision and Curriculum […]
College of the Holy Cross