2017 Blended Learning Conference
Providence RI sponsored by the Highlander Institute and the Clayton Christensen Institute
The conference on Saturday, April 1 from 8am – 4pm will take place at the RI Convention Center, located at 1 Sabin Street, Providence (connected to the Omni Providence Hotel).
jbaudreau@masscue.org Julie Baudreau
gmagley@masscue.org Grace Magley

Location: 2017 Blended Learning Conference Providence RI sponsored by the Highlander Institute and the Clayton Christensen Institute The conference on Saturday, April 1 from 8am – 4pm will take place at the RI Convention Center, located at 1 Sabin Street, Providence (connected to the Omni Providence Hotel). http://blendedlearningconference.com/ jbaudreau@masscue.org Julie Baudreau gmagley@masscue.org Grace Magley