Essential Functions of All Committees
Note: All committee work must support the MassCUE mission and operate in accordance with the MassCUE policies established by the Board.
Chair or Co-chairs:
Ex-officio members: President, Executive Director
Chairperson and Members will serve for one year. Chair will be appointed or reappointed at the September Board Meeting. Members will be appointed or reappointed at the June Board meeting.
Duties of the Chairperson
- Recommend candidates:
Any individual shall be eligible for appointment or election to the Board of Directors of the MassCUE organization, should they meet two of the following criteria:
- A registered member of the MassCUE organization who actively contributes for at least one year, as determined by the Board of Directors.
- A community member of MassCUE who is:
a. Current or retired educator.
b. Employee of an educational entity within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
c. Or, a full-time student, age eighteen-or-older. - A community member of MassCUE that demonstrates support and exhibits qualities and skills that would support the mission of the organization
- Communicate with committee members, arrange at least six meetings per year, plan agendas, make assignments, be the liaison to other committees, and conduct business on-line as needed.
- Prepare committee reports to the Board and post them in the Board Meetings folder at least five days prior to the Board meeting.
- Post meeting dates, both face to face and online, on MassCUE Board internal calendar.
- Complete a web request to keep committee related information accurate, current and in accordance with these Procedures.
- Fill out a Social Media request form for any content your committee would like to be shared on MassCUE’s social channels.
- Prepare and present the committee’s Annual Report at the General Meeting.
Duties of the Members
- Attend online and face-to-face meetings on a regular basis and actively participate by volunteering to lead or support committee tasks.
- Committee Member Benefit: Those who have served, participated and contributed in accordance with Committee Members Benefit Policy will be eligible for complimentary membership for one year upon recommendation of the Chair at the June Board meeting. If they agree to do so, they will be recommended for reappointment.
- Those who have not actively served, participated and contributed will not be recommended for reappointment and will be notified by the chair that if they are able to actively participate in the future, they can let the chair know that they would like to again be considered to serve on the committee.
Approval Process for Edited Procedures
- By January each committee will review the Charge and Procedures to ensure they reflect what the committee does.
- Chairperson(s) of each committee will submit recommended changes to the Charge and Procedures to the President and President Elect for feedback.
- Each committee will present their changes to the Board of Directors at the Winter retreat.
How to Join
- View our Committees section and each committee description.
- Choose a committee you feel would be a good match for your skills, interests and desire to participate in something new.
- Fill out our online form and a committee chair will get back to you.