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About Us

Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) is the state's leading organization for educators who are passionate about digital teaching and learning.

MassCUE was founded in 1982 by 15 technology-inspired educators meeting regularly in a local school library. Five decades later, MassCUE now proudly supports more than 600 active members [1] and collaborates with 14 Corporate Partners [2]. MassCUE is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors [3], which is supported by paid staff members [4] and a network of 12 specialized committees [5].

Vision and Mission

MassCUE is a community where every learner creates, contributes, and succeeds in a connected world. Our mission is to educate, connect, and inspire the educational community by:

    • Providing high-quality professional learning
    • Leveraging knowledge and expertise
    • Recognizing innovation, excellence, and courage
    • Advocating for strategic policies and programs


What's Going on at MassCUE?