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Take Our New Website Satisfaction Survey

We Want to Hear from You

MassCUE is delighted to have redesigned our website, [1]. We want to make sure our new site fits your needs.

This new website is for you, the MassCUE member.


The website has been streamlined to align with our brand promise to Educate, Connect and Inspire computer-using educators across the commonwealth.

Give us your feedback

Help us make continuous improvements to our new MassCUE website. Your feedback is very important to us. Tell us what you think so that we may continue to improve and align this website to your needs.

Enter the Drawing

We will be offering a drawing for a free MassCUE membership (or extending your membership if you are already a MassCUE member) for filling out this survey!


Contact Us

Explore the new website today. We hope you enjoy all of the improvements. If you have any questions or need to find something as you learn the site, please do not hesitate to Contact Us [3].